Current Issue

Class is a powerful structural category and a dimension of social inequality that can inscribe itself into everyday life and the mundane. In this context, it also impacts ethnographic research practice. Whether it's the way researchers classify and articulate themselves and the experiences they encounter with class consciousness, or the question of which theoretical and empirical concepts of class they utilize. It brings together contributions in which research experiences in and biographical approaches to fields of social inequality are interpreted through a class-analytical lens. This issue follows on from those debates and expands on them. The authors address mobility experiences in academic settings and research fields. They make decolonial and feminist approaches accessible for a class-sensitive perspective on their own research experiences, question controversial terms and concepts of class and classism for their implications for a nuanced naming practice and experiment with how one's own class position and background, when affirmatively foregrounded, can contribute to a specific epistemic inner view.
Gaillinger, Felix and Anna Klaß (eds.) (2024): Ethnographic Research with Class. Contributions on the Production and Experience of a Neglected Structural Category. Kulturanthropologie Notizen 86.